Well, 2021 has arrived and I have new goals. My family goal is for the child and myself is to keep a cleaner house. We are awful lol. My personal goal is to set up various platforms to open the doors for potential future passive income. A cousin of mine and I are discussing and experimenting with a few different outlets. He sent me a link to his Robinhood app. We both received a free stock for the referral. That’s always a positive, heeeey!!

Robinhood is a stock app. Now, I am on a lower level of income so living off of dividend payments will never be an option for me, but if I can research and gamble (essentially the stock market is a gambling risk) my money into the right stocks, ETF’s, and long term stable companies for the dividends then I technically have passive income happening.

Ebooks have also been a topic of recent conversation. I fully believe that this could be a hit or a miss. I suspect that it will take several misses before there is a serious hit. I want to start out with 2 forms of ebooks. The first one about something I enjoy such as fantasy possibly mixed with my growing knowledge of herbs. Yes or no? The second one I would like for there to be a how to book. I am very uncertain of what the how to book would be about yet but I will definitely think of something. It’ll most likely be about bringing positivity into the workplace. My cousin is leaning towards writing his about being a dad. I think it is a smart choice for him.

I also want to look into the possibility of breeding dogs. Now I am not an expert under any circumstances and again will need to do further research to see if it will be worth the time. I am absolutely in no rush to get this started but I do miss having a dog, always teaching them new tricks. Before my child graduates high school, I would like to have found a reliable blood line with accurate papers. Now this will definitely depend on how well America is doing at that time.

Now what I do know for certain is that none of this is not truly going to be possible without this website up and going as a home base for any seperate things I decide to do. I started this page last year with good intentions. Sometimes I am just really slow to get things going. However, this is a new year and I have a few additional things added to my fuel for motivation. I have a ton of research to do from the operations and best bets on Robinhood, to ebooks, to how to operate this website. LOL. Yes, I still need to learn more in depth knowledge of how does this website actually operate.

My Child, you are my high point today. Thank you cleaning up the main floor without too much grief. High point is that I am excited to be thinking and planning for my future. Finally!! It feels great! Low point is that work was a little intense today. Ice cream novelty went down and we had to write off all of the product. That was a major waste and hit to the GP. My coworker is going through major things in her life and it is starting to reflect in her work. That was painful. Another high point was the guy that I was training today handled the training well. He is definitely going to be a challenge to my patience and talents.

I hope everyone has a great night. May you all be blessed with joy and happiness this year!! Remember, there is something good in every day ! Even when you have to dig a little deeper to find it. xoxoxo

2 Comments on 2021 Goals: Beginnings of Building Passive Income

2 Replies to “2021 Goals: Beginnings of Building Passive Income”

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