Hello everyone.

Today has been a very busy day for me. As you know by now, I have to research anything before I am confident enough to give it a try. This morning, I successfully got all of the Jetpack loaded into my site. I wrote down some notes as a reminder to turn some settings on before I start promoting myself.

In the corporate America side of things, I think I am finally making headway with that retail position I only somewhat want. I have started taking interviews for the recruiting companies. This makes me most excited. I imagine the pay cut there would be horrifically drastic but they are open 5 days a week and a 40 hour work week expectation. I can absolutely do that. That is what I currently want so I can focus on my webpage vs these rambling posts lol.

I also installed the WooCommerce plug in today which would be the store for my website. I have pages bookmarked for me to go reread, With a store comes important documentation I must have posted somewhere. See, there truly is so much to building a website but I just know I am going to be so grateful when its all said and done. Hoping it will be my future income format.

I want the website ready for my content. I want to make sure all of the legalities have been covered and that I won’t be doing anything wrong without knowing it. A little bit of doing this everyday is going to go a long way. I just know it. I have hope, I have prayer, and I have faith in my own personal karma.

I also installed, or so I think I did, Google AdSense. I have some more research to do to ensure I got everything set up and ready. That will be a this afternoon type of project. I’m getting ready to take a break by going to pick the kiddo up from work. Do not fear, I will be back at it this afternoon. Have to get as much as possible done before I start work ….somewhere.

Have a great day everyone. Remember, change does not come from comfort zones and sometimes all one has to do is go for it! So GO FOR IT!!!