Super excited to announce that I have stepped away from convenience store life and I’m stepping into a more retail focused environment, or so I am praying. In the next week that I have off, I want to cram as much internet time as I can. I have so many things to do. It doesn’t help that I took too much time away.

However, with this extra free time, I definitely want to make sure all online sources are up and working properly. I think this webpage should be my home base for everything. I can set up a free lance writing portfolio and attach it to this site. I can do the same with my paintings and possibly the jewelry making, but i haven’t totally decided yet. I am taking leaps and putting myself out there, way outside my comfort zone. Sometimes my sister is letting me walk by myself and then there are times when she is pushing or dragging me.

I recently spent a weekend with my positive encouraging sister in New Orleans and was absolutely inspired by the huge talent located there to sell my own art. I have my arts and craft space organized and ready for me. Of course I have research to do to learn about glazing them and shipping them. Not to mention I still have to sign up for the thing that allows people to buy from my webpage. Depending on how far I go into the land of art, I may even speculate putting a few small pieces into a small art gallery or show. I hear Denver has a few select places. And then of course there is always the small events and fairs that take place. The small events just tickle me pink.

I have returned….

I managed to get many things accomplished today. I feel like I truly made steps in getting the groundwork for this website laid. I did a few hours worth of research on how to get the WooCommerce Store going. Came across a fantastic article for wp beginners. It’s truly giving me a tremendous amount of knowledge and I could not be more grateful. It also includes links to so many other pages to keep the knowledge flowing.

I know for sure that I want the webpage to yes indeed be my homebase for everything. I learned that with the wooCommerce Store I will be able to keep the paintings and the jewelry separate from each other. Plus the freelance writing, but that will be handled on another page. These are all good things.

(To whoever is reading this, thank you for being entertained by my desire to want to work from home and away from the public plus these repeating thoughts lol)

I need to spend one morning researching hopefully for the final time, affiliate links. I think I truly have a decent understanding of them and how they operate. I have started mentally preparing myself that most self promoting is going to be my winning route of this big wide web. I need to make my list of all the products that I already support in relevance to my niche. From there, I need to spend at least one hour a morning preparing, editing, and lastly emailing a single pitch each day to a company I could morally support. One pitch a day equals 6 a week. Things I plan on writing about… my journey to one day be working from home. Pictures that I paint with the products that I use (I can easily find affiliates here from products I use to paint with.) I want to write about each piece of jewelry I make. (And boom, I’m now using more and versatile products of companies I can pitch to.) I most importantly want to write about cooking. (and cha-ching affiliates because we have broadened our horizons even more.)

From the above paragraph, that is three niches I have narrowed myself down to. With all of this website content and self promoting that will be happening, I now can’t decide what I want to do about the free lance writing. Pros is that it could give me an opportunity for financial gain, I enjoy writing, I bought the lifetime membership to writer’s work, so it’ll always be an option that I can go back to after I have the online store and website sailing smoothly. Look at me, entrepreneuring it up. Go me! Hey hey! I just have to remind myself easy is not in the definition of perseverance.

I honestly feel like ads are going to be an easy thing to do. I hear it does not pay as well as other online careers but that is ok as they will become a passive income from all of the traffic I one day hope to have, after I have started the self promoting game.

I can’t decide if I want to work on these online projects one thing each day with alternating days or if I want to work on a little bit of each thing for a few hours each. I’m thinking that if I do a little of each thing each day, then I will be less bored as soon, (we definitely want to keep it interesting) and I will be able to get more angles up and going closer together versus only one skill or service available at a time.

With all of this typing random thoughts out, I definitely have given myself a lot to think about. Truly, I’m glad I still have this website and even though I’m sad I haven’t spent as much time developing as I should have, I’m grateful I did not give up on it. My first attempt and go around with the internet did not work out but I know it will this time. I am not as blind as I was. I’m truly exhausted from corporate america. If I’m going to be working crazy hours, at least it is with hobbies that I enjoy and it will be for myself. Obviously, i have to find another tax taking job but the goal is to not have to stay there for to long.

I’m just rambling ideas around everywhere lol. I am going to bed now. Tomorrow is going to be exciting hehe. I’ve got this!! Setting goals, creating growth, and doing so much research. I’ve got this.