Today was my first day building this website. Not as simple as all the other blogs made it out to be. phew lol. However, I assume that with the more content I put into it, then the more I’ll understand what it is that I am actually editing. I plan to continue to my research into “how to use these platforms” so hopefully by this time next week, I’ll have it mostly down pat. I know it will be a slow start to this blog’s growth but i think it will be nice and beneficial to the ego to watch it continuously grow and develop (along with my typing skills).

My Child, you have slept on the couch all day today. You’re on day 6 of quarantine for the Coronavirus that is going around. You asked to remain on the quarantine when school’s were first canceled and spring break was extended even though you were not infected. Now you are starting to shout how bored you are. Several kids were bored long before you kiddo lol. I’m grateful Colorado is already before the virus mess recognizes hand washing. We’ve been deliberate about it ! “DO NOT TOUCH YOUR FACE” is our favorite saying at the moment.

My plan for tomorrow is to type up more content to have for this website. To hopefully understand how to turn some of these images into links for other pages. And to watch more videos on how to operate this haha! I’m awful with technology so hang on for a fun ride of learning and growing while collecting memories for the kid. See you tomorrow!