Coronavirus may have hit near me. I’m so nervous and over cautious not to get it, not to bring it home to my kid. Goodness Gracious! Say a prayer please because we do not want it nor wish it upon anyone. What was your high and low point for the day?

High Point of my day however is that I went grocery shopping again. That is 2 weeks in a row I have went shopping. No more for at least 2 more weeks and then I’m just hoping that we aren’t locked in our homes. The pantry, the freezers, and my bank account all agree no more lol. I already keep my pantry fairly well stocked but with all of the chaos that has been going on, I figured I should get a few extra things … just in case… and not to mention my teenager is out of school and snacking the house down. Like kid, give it a break lol. She mostly has healthy things to choose from, although today I came back with 3 boxes of Little Debbie cakes instead of the usual 1 or 2.

Input note here, the grocery store was still awful in stock today but it was definitely much better than last week. It appears they are starting to make a small recovery for groceries at least. What Walmart didn’t have, King Sooper’s did.

Low Point? Well, that lady was sick today. #1 I don’t want her to have that yuck.. #2 I have a team of employees to protect. #3 I have a business to protect. Prayers prayers and more prayers. Good karma, good faith.

My Child, when I came home today, you were still asleep on the couch. I had already called to ask you to clean the kitchen so you could get your hair dyed that bright vibrant color but you just couldn’t do it. Your attitude and smart mouth responses were unnecessary, 100% unwarranted. After you cleaned the kitchen, I made you go outside of the house today and go for a walk, which you gave lip about. At dinner time, your walk was the highlight of your day. Just saying, and you’re welcome. Also, when you went to the store, without hand sanitizer grrrrr, you bought me a Mountain Dew and gave me 1 of your Farrah Rochers and then called it an apology.

So the title to this website is There is something good in every day. When I moved to Colorado, my sister introduced High Point, Low Point. It is Amazing! We do it at the dinner table while everyone is sitting down and is together. I use it with my team at work. It makes you think a little harder on some days. It makes you appreciate certain small things. I always enjoy hearing other people’s high points; you never know what happens in a person’s day. I encourage everyone to give high point and low point a chance.

Alright, I’m going to play with my pages, after this post has created inspiration, for a few minutes and then get ready for bed. I’m grateful to say I have to get up and work in the morning. Wash yall’s hands and for the love of mercy, do not touch yall’s faces. If you’re feeling sick in any way, stay home for the safety of others!