My name is JB and I wanted to start this blog for multiple reasons but mostly because I need a place I can express and record myself, my thoughts, my visions, my favorite recipes and the changes I have made and the changes we still have yet made. I hope one day my daughter can look back at these accounts and be able to say, “This website, this blog is my mother.” Especially after she turns 18, is in college and I will officially be out traveling around the world, at least North America lol.

I chose this title because I do believe there is something good in every day even if on some days we have to look a little harder to find it. I believe that by finding the small things of goodness and kindness keep us a little more grounded to Earth, to reality. “Stop and smell the roses.” “Take a moment.” “Take a deep breath.” All some of my fave things to say yet they all mean the same thing.

I am personally working on staying relaxed more often but not yet certain how well it will work lol. I carry all of my stress in my shoulders. I work as a Store or General Manager of a convenient store and let me tell you with this Corona-virus craziness happening, I’m a little stressed. Although, high point: we aren’t closing down so I will thankfully still be earning a paycheck. Blessed and Grateful!

I am also the mother to a typical teenager with a dislike for doing anything involving substantial movement, physical exercise, and plenty of out-of-control attitude. This creates plenty of stress on its own. I pray the teenager years will pass soon, she’ll graduate from high school, and learn to really love me again (not just when she wants something) when she’s in college and paying her own bills.

To everyone who comes across this blog, I hope it brings you some happiness. Be patient with me if I’m still new when you find me, I honestly have no idea what I am doing.

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