JBM: Just Believing in Me. I am the type of person who loves everyone, always trying to give people the simple gesture of a smile or compliment. As the culture of America and my own small personal world are changing, I have decided to take the leap of faith and put my talents out on the big web. I enjoy reading, writing, cooking, painting, and making jewelry. This is my platform to exhibit my various skill sets.

Once upon a time, I got caught doing something that absolutely deserved punishment. My punishment was to read the first Harry Potter book. My father thought it would take me all week to read the book. To everyone’s surprise, I waited patiently in line at WalMart for the next release in 2003. JK Rowling truly captivated me and gave flame to my reading fire. I have come to appreciate the value (or loyalty) a good author creates in their audiences.(link insert here)

When I moved to Colorado, I non discretely raided my sister’s supplies and started experimenting. I have been growing this skill set since. At first, it was an awful definition of talent but filled me with so much joy. Then I discovered Cinnamon Cooney as The Art Sherpa from YouTube and truly learned how to hone in on that skill. After visiting New Orleans recently, I have been very inspired to start selling my art. (INSERT lINK FOR NEW jbm pAINTINGS PAGE WITH CORRECT URL)

This is a place for me to truly combine two things I love, cooking and writing. Cooking has always been a passion of my life and writing is a talent I should not allow to go to waste. When at home, I am constantly watching cooking shows and experimenting with new recipes. I try not to cook at home so much with a recipe and instead cook with items I have on hand and testing my knowledge through the flavors. (LINK INSERT)

Making jewelry was my teenaer’s idea. I thought she was actually serious about it because she talked about it for so long. That year for Christmas, I stocked up on supplies for her to experiment with. Well, as it turns out, I really enjoy making jewelry. I did not truly realize how much time and effort went it wire wrapping. It is another talent I am excited to use for monetary gain. (LINK INSERT HERE)