omg… Robin Hood may have taken on way too many lawsuits this go around. The changes made to the app do not truly affect me as I am still mostly in research mode. Many people are saying they won’t hold up in court because of the user agreements signed at the beginning of signing up. However I feel like there will be several people that will continue to go after the app owner. UGh Oh. I’ll be patient and see how it goes…. High Point, they have recovered before.

EBook… Still doing research for this also but….hey. Better safe than sorry bc the truth is that the internet can be a very scary and dangerous place. It’s so big that sometimes I accidently purchase things from China. I try to keep local but Amazon got me once and we ordered heated vests in October or November of 2020 and they still haven’t arrived. The tracking app says they are in China still. High Point, they haven’t been declared as lost, stolen, or delivered. Yay.

Right… back to the eBook…I believe that writing an ebook on being a good leader would be a strong potential. One thing I have most certainly done is change and grow personally and professionally. I try hard everyday to work as a team player with my team, not just a boss. The middle is a fine line but I have been told multiple times how people appreciated working on my team. I might just dig a little deeper for book material. I totally mean eBook. Haha.

I was reviewing all of the possible platforms available to the people. Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, Tiktok, Pinterest, LinkedIn, and also now considering podcasts. I’ve never wanted to join Twitter. Mostly felt like it was majority famous people. I’m so bad with famous people name’s, genres, careers, and titles to movies and songs I will never be 100 % on point with them. However, I am getting better, over time. I will join if I have to in order to make this passive income work. Tweet Tweet. I have Instagram but I never did too much with it previously. Here I come Insta. Let’s make EVERYTHING picture worthy. That’s quite possibly the easiest of everything mentioned thus far. HaHa. YouTube! I am a very long time dedicated YouTuber, but I have never ever wanted to create a video to put on it. All of a sudden I do. Must research the criteria required. hmmm… The internet world soon became over populated. What voice will become the rising new…star? …Youtuber? …online diary keeper? I currently have a page called Dear Diary but in truth i had no idea what I was doing at the time and will most likely be editing it later. Tiktok… I know it’s judgy, but i felt originally like TikTok was crowded with mostly people my child’s age. (Now I know how my mom felt.) I recently downloaded it and have witnessed first hand the addiction of watching short clips about things you appreciate. I now want to create those short clips. Pinterest and I have been very close friends for a many year. I heart you Pinterest! LinkedIn I have played with only a small amount. I often find jobs and excellent positive quotes from. Idea of the leadership book might play quite nicely into that platform. Podcasts! I love to talk. I always have an opinion or a way of doing something. I have been practicing thinking before speaking. Sometimes I do good at it. Somedays… not so much.

After rereading the previous paragraph, I have decided that my whole life is about to change. In the blink of a year. I mean I am going to be spending more time on the computer. My personality will be great but how do I decide the value of all my time is worth this internet torture? I am certainly praying that all of my hard work for setting up the stage to semi success to passive income will start showing positive impacts at least buy 2022. I am also praying I don’t quit!!

I think tonight I am not going to do any major research. I plan to do me tonight. I love me.

High Point of my day was watching my baby walk home from school with her current boyfriend. You know how teenagers are lol. I just waved as I passed and went to the gas station. There I was able to see a hand full of people I have not seen in a while. A cashier recognized me immediately when i walked in. She was like, “When i moved back to Colorado I looked for you for three months.” By the end of the conversation it was clear she had worked for me previously. Now, with no harm intended, I do not remember this girl. I turn staff and stores so often that it is very hard to remember all of them. High Point is that I’m eternally grateful I made such a strong impact in her life that she searched for me for several months wanting to be a part of my team regardless of where I was located. She has been a major player in my thinking about making the book about leadership. Another high point is that my child is currently maintaining decent grades. This has been a major challenge the last few years.

Low point is that my neck has a major knot in it. I will definitely need to generate enough passive income to more feasibly afford my massage therapist. She is amazing by the way! Specializes in trigger point which is amazing if you’ve never tried it before.

Hope everyone has a great night! Say your prayers or light your candles. May good karma be all around us around the clock! xoxoxo

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